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The Psychology of your 20s

257. The biggest dilemmas of our 20s ft. The listeners

Tue, 17 Dec 2024


Today we have on the most special guest of all: the listeners! I asked you all to send in your biggest 20-something dilemmas, the things that are leaving your confused, keeping you up and night, have you overthinking everything, and you delivered. Today we hear from seven of our listeners, and answer questions like:  Should I travel or save for a house? How do I know what to do with my life when there are so many options?  How do I express myself in my relationship?  What happens when I'm creatively burnt out?  How to make new friends as an adult, and so much more!  Thank you to our beautiful listeners who contributed their dilemmas! Listen now!   PREORDER MY BOOK:  Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: [email protected]    The Psychology of your 20s is not a substitute for professional mental health help. If you are struggling, distressed or require personalised advice, please reach out to your doctor. See for privacy information.

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