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The Psychology of your 20s

231. 5 ways to reinvent yourself in your 20s

Tue, 17 Sep 2024


If nothing else, our 20s are a time for reinvention and transformation. We become clearer and clearer about the version of us we want to be, and hopefully more confident around expressing our authentic elves, but sometimes this is interrupted by periods of boredom, stagnation, isolation and discomfort. These are all signs that something in our lives needs to change, and it needs to change now. In today's episode we break down five ways to reinvent yourself during your 20s, including:  Theory of opposites Visualisation and choosing the 'theme' for your next era The timeline for change  The power of risk + microrisks  Changing 'what if' thinking into 'what else' or 'so what?' + more  Listen now when you're ready for transformation. Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast For business: [email protected] See for privacy information.

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