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The Psychology of your 20s

211. The problem with 'toxic' positivity

Tue, 09 Jul 2024


Today on the podcast we are talking about toxic positivity and the problem with always being positive and putting a fluffy, warm, positive spin on things. Often our unrealistic optimism comes from a good place and our desire to be happy all the time but any person knows that isn't always possible. We break down:  The reason we gravitate towards toxic positivity What toxic positivity looks like The impact of wellness and self help content The consequences for our mental health  The consequences for our emotional intelligence  Why people who accept negative emotions are ACTUALLY happier How to practice emotional acceptance and healthy positivity  All of that and so much more, listen now!  Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast   See for privacy information.

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