We recorded today before a live audience in Austin! Austin Hall, that is, on the campus of Harvard Law School! Special thanks to Matt Morris and the great students of the Harvard National Security & Law Association, and to all who attended! We certainly didn't lack for topics. Professors Vladeck and Chesney discussed and debated: The "Beatles" detainees: What are the hurdles to continued military detention of these two formerly-British Islamic State members who are now in U.S. custody in Iraq? Will courts assert jurisdiction? Would they find that IS is in the scope of the '01 AUMF and the NDAA FY'12? Is there still an armed conflict? And if they instead are prosecuted, what are the hurdles? What does pending litigation in the UK Supreme Court have to do with it all? Trumplandia: So much to discuss, including Giuliani's peremptory strike against testifying and the question of attorney-client privilege, the Mazars decision and Judge Rao's dissent, and much more. DHS roundup: Who is the acting secretary, who is not eligible to be so designated, and what's this about an administrative subpoena authority designed to help deal with botnets? Being in the greater Boston region, our frivolity had to be Boston-themed of course. So, tune in for a wicked and rambling run through of Boston-based movies, tv shows, and sports heroes. Better still, stay tuned after that so you can enjoy the extended audience Q&A session that followed it all!
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