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The MeidasTouch Podcast

YIKES! Senate Hearing GOES OFF THE RAILS over Trump Picks

Thu, 30 Jan 2025


MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the confirmation hearings of Kash Patel, RFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard that took place on Thursday. Select Quote: Get the right life insurance for YOU, for LESS at Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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22.717 - 49.201 Ben Meiselas

So Republicans scheduled three confirmation hearings today to try to jam them all through of the most unqualified, dangerous people. You had Kash Patel, who Donald Trump put to lead the FBI. You had Tulsi Gabbard, who Donald Trump put to be the Director of National Intelligence. And you have anti-vaxxer RFK Jr., who Donald Trump put to run Health and Human Services.

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49.801 - 69.873 Ben Meiselas

The hearings went off the rails awfully quickly today. We try to keep track of them all here on the Midas Touch Network. Here, Kash Patel, who Donald Trump once appointed to lead the FBI, is asked, can you simply say that Joe Biden won the 2020 election? Kash Patel refuses to do so. Play this clip.

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69.993 - 75.896 Unidentified

Can you say the words, Joe Biden won the 2020 election?

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76.277 - 78.378 Kash Patel

Joe Biden was the president of the United States.

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79.827 - 89.348 Unidentified

I'm going to stay on this. There's a difference. I can say the words, Donald Trump won. I don't like to say it, but I must say it.

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90.242 - 107.813 Ben Meiselas

Next up, you have Democratic Senator Dick Durbin asked Kash Patel about creating a musical with the January 6th insurrectionists and a song called the J6 Choir, which was used to replace the national anthem at Donald Trump campaign events. Play the clip.

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107.873 - 110.335 Senator Dick Durbin

Tell me about your J6 Choir. What is that?

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111.704 - 120.67 Kash Patel

Well, it's not my choir. It's simply a recording that was utilized to raise funds for families in need of nonviolent offenders.

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120.91 - 126.555 Senator Dick Durbin

Who sings on this recording? I don't know, Senator. What did you have to do with it?

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127.495 - 136.239 Kash Patel

Simply to raise funds to assist families of nonviolent offenders whose kids needed college education payments and whose rent needed being paid.

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136.519 - 149.925 Senator Dick Durbin

My understanding is that the performers on this J6 choir were the rioters who were in prison. I'm not aware of that, sir. I didn't have anything to do with the recording. You weren't aware of who made the recording? No, Senator.

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151.067 - 178.81 Ben Meiselas

Now, I want to show you this clip first to show you Kash Patel is a liar. Some may call that committing perjury. Others may say lying, but I'll leave that distinction or determination up to you and your opinion. But here, Kash Patel appears repeatedly on a show called Stu Peters, which spread some heinous conspiracies and lies and lies. bunch of toxic, dangerous, dangerous stuff.

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179.27 - 188.219 Ben Meiselas

I want you to watch him first appear because then I'm going to show you a clip where Kash Patel says, Stu, I don't know this guy. So first, let me give you receipts.

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188.319 - 190.261 Stu Peters

Play the clip. Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate it.

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190.922 - 192.443 Kash Patel

Thanks, Stu. Always love coming on your show.

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192.483 - 194.906 Stu Peters

Kash Patel, thank you so much for making the time to be here with us. We appreciate it.

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195.486 - 196.247 Kash Patel

Thanks, Stu. Appreciate it.

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196.387 - 197.809 Stu Peters

Thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it.

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198.325 - 199.507 Kash Patel

Thanks, Stu. Appreciate it. See you soon.

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199.547 - 204.895 Stu Peters

I got to go, Cash. Thank you so much for being here. We really appreciate it. Up against a hard break here. Thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it.

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205.455 - 206.978 Kash Patel

Thanks so much. Appreciate it, Stu.

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207.078 - 208.82 Stu Peters

Cash Patel, thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it.

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209.361 - 211.464 Kash Patel

Thanks so much, Stu. Appreciate it. You've got a great show.

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211.584 - 211.845 Stu Peters

Thank you.

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213.151 - 227.054 Ben Meiselas

Thank you for that montage, Ron Filipkowski, our editor-in-chief now. Democratic Senator Dick Durbin asked Kash Patel, do you know who Stu Peters? Are you familiar who that is? And Kash Patel's like, nope. Watch this.

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227.334 - 235.476 Senator Dick Durbin

Stu Peters, does that name ring a bell? I'm sorry, what? Are you familiar with Mr. Stu Peters?

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238.655 - 239.536 Kash Patel

Not off the top of my head.

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239.776 - 257.57 Senator Dick Durbin

He made eight separate appearances on his podcast. He promoted outrageous conspiracy theories and worked with a prominent neo-Nazi. They're more Ted Nugent. It goes on, the list goes on. I'm just asking, when it comes to your association with individuals, why are so many of them in this category?

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259.895 - 278.423 Kash Patel

My association, as you loosely define it, is by appearing in media over a thousand times to take on people who are putting on conspiratorial theories and to devalue them of their false impressions and to talk to them about the truth. That is something that I will always continue to fight for, Senator.

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278.956 - 286.32 Ben Meiselas

Now I want to show you RFK Jr. He goes, I've never said anything wrong about science. Play this clip.

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286.36 - 290.542 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Show me a single statement I made about science that is erroneous.

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292.583 - 297.485 Ben Meiselas

Okay, you want me to show you receipts? Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders, bring in the receipts.

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298.626 - 320.366 Senator Bernie Sanders

So my question to you is, were the scientists who told us that the COVID vaccine was imperative? And President Trump, who told us that it was this great thing, were they right or were you right when you told people that they should not take COVID shots?

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321.206 - 334.592 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Senator, I filed that lawsuit after CDC recommended the vaccine for six-year-old children without any evidence that it would benefit them and without testing on six-year-old children. And that was my reason for

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336.681 - 341.262 Senator Bernie Sanders

filing that lawsuit. Was the vaccine, COVID vaccine, successful in saving millions of lives?

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342.902 - 351.344 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

I don't know. We don't have a good surveillance system, unfortunately. We don't know? I don't think anybody can say that. If you show me science, it says that.

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351.384 - 368.523 Senator Bernie Sanders

You know, Bob, you say, if I show you, you're applying for the job. I mean, clearly, you should know this. And that is, the scientific community has established that. That COVID vaccine saved millions of lives, and you're casting doubt. That is really problematic. All right, let me ask.

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368.843 - 373.464 Ben Meiselas

Next up, Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders. Here he goes right here. Let's play the clip.

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373.724 - 401.228 Senator Bernie Sanders

Thank you, Chairman Cassidy. And I'm going to do what I very rarely do, is actually follow up on a question with Senator Cassidy. There have been, as I understand it, dozens of studies done all over the world that make it very clear that vaccines do not cause autism. Now, you just said, if I heard correctly, well, if the evidence is there. The evidence is there. That's it.

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402.509 - 418.802 Senator Bernie Sanders

Vaccines do not cause autism. Do you agree with that? As I said, I'm not going to go into HHS with any preordain. I ask you a simple question, Bobby. Studies all over the world say it does not. What do you think?

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419.423 - 426.269 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Senator, if you show me those studies, I will absolutely, as I promised to Chairman Cassidy, I will apologize.

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426.289 - 434.757 Senator Bernie Sanders

That is a very troubling response because the studies are there. Your job was to have looked at those studies as an applicant for this job. All right.

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435.535 - 455.307 Ben Meiselas

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456.027 - 476.481 Ben Meiselas

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476.963 - 495.541 Ben Meiselas

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496.722 - 519.998 Ben Meiselas

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520.078 - 538.102 Ben Meiselas

Go to slash Midas today to get started. That's slash Midas. Next up, we have Senator Murray talking to our Democratic Senator Murray, responding to JFK Jr. right here. Play this clip.

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539.959 - 561.106 Unidentified

I do want to ask you a question about character. I still believe character matters, and I want to let you respond to this. You were accused of sexual harassment and assault by Eliza Cooney, who was first hired as a part-time babysitter by your family. When you were confronted about this accusation, you said you were, quote, not a church boy and that you, quote, have so many skeletons in my closet.

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561.686 - 576.85 Unidentified

You then texted Ms. Cooney an apology and indicated you had no memory of what she described. Mr. Kennedy, I'm asking you to respond to those accusations seriously in front of this committee. Did you make sexual advances towards Ms. Cooney without her consent?

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576.97 - 580.092 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

No, I did not. And that story has been debunked.

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580.412 - 582.213 Unidentified

But why did you apologize to her then?

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582.293 - 583.954 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

I apologized for something else.

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587.556 - 590.638 Unidentified

Well, that's not my understanding. Let me just ask you.

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590.698 - 594.26 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

All you have to read is the text which she published. It's not for that.

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595.22 - 602.245 Unidentified

That is not how I've read it. Are there any other instances where you have made sexual advances towards an individual without their consent, just yes or no?

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602.485 - 602.765 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


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603.606 - 603.706 Unidentified


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604.706 - 607.748 Ben Meiselas

Here is Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. Let's play it.

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608.569 - 630.776 Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

And here's what this nominee himself has said about using his office to prosecute journalists. We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government, but in the media, We're going to come after you, whether it's criminally or civilly. Is that a correct quotation, Mr. Patel?

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632.779 - 637.086 Kash Patel

Senator, that's a partial quotation. But it's correct? In part.

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638.413 - 640.454 Ben Meiselas

Democratic Senator Murphy, let's play it.

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640.714 - 648.398 Unidentified

Let me finish what I'm saying. You made some grave accusations. Is it pedophilia to the administration of vaccines?

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648.738 - 650.619 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

No, it wasn't pedophilia.

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650.639 - 652.42 Unidentified

So it was a perfect metaphor.

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652.58 - 670.705 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Well, if you have one in 36 kids who has neurological injuries, and if that is linked, that's something that we should study. Is it a perfect metaphor? It's not a perfect metaphor, but there's no metaphor that's perfect. But I am pro-vaccine. I am going to support the vaccine program.

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670.885 - 674.647 Ben Meiselas

I want kids. Democratic Senator Hirono to Patel. Let's play it.

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675.267 - 690.554 Unidentified

We have heard already your book includes a list of 60 people who you think make up part of the executive branch Deep State. Mr. Patel, if confirmed, do you plan to investigate President Trump's former FBI director Christopher Wray? Yes or no?

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691.53 - 694.352 Kash Patel

I have no plans in going backwards.

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694.392 - 696.853 Unidentified

How about James Comey? Do you plan to investigate him?

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697.494 - 701.456 Kash Patel

Senator, every investigation will be subject to the same legal standard.

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701.476 - 705.699 Unidentified

Do you plan to investigate James Comey, who's on your list?

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705.839 - 707.64 Kash Patel

I have no intentions of going backwards.

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707.66 - 708.221 Unidentified

How about Bill Barr?

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708.321 - 710.502 Kash Patel

Every intention of using the Constitution.

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710.522 - 718.167 Unidentified

How about Bill Barr? Do you plan to investigate him, who's on your executive branch, Deep State, and you say you're going to ferret out the Deep State?

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718.847 - 721.868 Kash Patel

No one that did not break the law will be investigated.

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722.728 - 724.068 Unidentified

No answers to any of those.

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724.168 - 728.289 Ben Meiselas

And finally, here's Democratic Senator Adam Schiff from the great state of California. Let's play it.

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729.069 - 743.851 Unidentified

Senator Durbin asked you about the January 6th choir of inmates whose song you promoted, and here's what you said. I did not have anything to do with the recording. I did not have anything to do with the recording. Do you stand by that testimony, Mr. Patel?

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744.892 - 747.212 Kash Patel

Senator, what I said was I didn't do the recording.

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748.305 - 765.534 Unidentified

You said you didn't have anything to do with the recording, which is interesting because here's what you told Steve Bannon on his podcast. So what we thought would be cool is if we captured that audio and then, of course, had the greatest president, President Donald J. Trump, recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

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765.915 - 783.702 Unidentified

Then we went to a studio and recorded it, mastered it, digitized it, and put it out as a song now releasing exclusively on the War Room. We, we, we. If you had nothing to do with it, Mr. Patel, why did you tell Steve Bannon and all his listeners that you did?

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784.603 - 786.724 Kash Patel

That's why it says we, as you highlighted.

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787.004 - 801.93 Unidentified

Yeah, and you're part of the we, right? When you say we, that includes you, doesn't it, Mr. Patel? Not in every instance. Well, that's new. So when you said we, you didn't really mean you. Is that your testimony?

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802.27 - 804.231 Kash Patel

Not unless you have a new definition for the word we.

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804.708 - 824.856 Unidentified

Oh, okay. I always thought we included the person who pronounced the word, but maybe not. Well, you also said this, Mr. Patel. We were able to capture the recording thanks to their courageous singing, and we were able to take it to a studio. So let me ask you, Mr. Patel, after saying we took it to a studio, did you take it to a studio?

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825.377 - 826.277 Kash Patel

Me personally, no.

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826.877 - 833.58 Unidentified

After you said that we digitized and recorded it and all that, did you take it to a studio and digitize and record it?

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834.178 - 835.098 Kash Patel

Me personally, no.

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835.118 - 839.159 Unidentified

Okay, so you are lying to Steve Bannon and his audience. Is that what you're saying?

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839.459 - 842.9 Kash Patel

No, I was using the proverbial we appropriately as you've identified.

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842.98 - 843.96 Unidentified

The loyal we.

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844.78 - 851.161 Ben Meiselas

Oh, I see. There you have it, folks. Let me know what you think. Hit subscribe. Let's get to 4 million subscribers.

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851.501 - 862.083 Midas Plus Ad

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