The MeidasTouch Podcast
The Desperate Radical GOP Lies About Oil Markets As Gas Prices Decrease
Mon, 11 Jul 2022
Gas prices are decreasing. Since the GOP was rooting for higher gas prices as a political issue, they’ve switched gears and have blamed Biden for selling oil on the international markets — which is actually one of the factors that has caused the decrease in your gas prices at the pump. Republican’s hope to prey on voters ignorance of gas markets to contrive new phony arguments against Democrats as Biden’s decisive action has lowered gas prices. Meidas contributor Texas Paul breaks it down. The Mighty is a new program on The MeidasTouch Podcast channel where we highlight the incredible commentary of Meidas Contributors. New episodes of The Mighty are released on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. New episodes of the world famous MeidasTouch Podcast featuring the Meiselas brothers release new episodes on Tuesday and Friday mornings on this channel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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