The Lazy RPG Podcast - D&D and RPG News and GM Prep from Sly Flourish
MCDM RPG Safety Toolkit, The Gloaming Wild 5e Horror, Level Up 5e Vampires - Lazy D&D Talk Show
Mon, 31 Oct 2022
Mike talks about all things D&D! Contents 00:00 Show Start 00:51 D&D & RPG News: Free MCDM RPG Safety Toolkit 02:43 Kickstarter Spotlight: The Gloaming Wild 5e Survival Horror 08:06 Commentary: Running Ravenloft 2022 with Level Up 5e Vampires 17:11 Patreon Question: Keeping Big Battles from Being Boring 19:17 Patreon Question: What Other RPGs Do You Recommend? 21:44 Patreon Question: Filling In the Gaps During the Game 24:17 Patreon Question: Faction Ideas from Blades in the Dark 26:51 Patreon Question: Targeting Loot for the Characters 29:23 Patreon Question: Better Level Draining and Exhaustion for Vampires and 32:12 Patreon Question: What to Get for Staring Out with Numenera 32:59 Patreon Question: Comparing Midgard to the Forgotten Realms 37:51 Patreon Question: Including Every Character's Story Arc 40:24 Patreon Question: Showcasing High-Level Abilities 43:01 Patreon Question: Building Open World D&D Games 45:23 Patreon Question: Building Problems Without Solutions 46:58 Patreon Question: How Many Encounters Before a Long Rest? 51:12 Patreon Question: Offering Headquarters and Lair Upgrades to the Characters 53:05 Patreon Question: Secrets in Clues for Dungeon Crawls and Combat-Focused Games Links MCDM RPG Safety Toolkit TTRPG Safety Toolkit by Kienna Shaw and Lauren Bryant-Monk Monte Cook Games Consent in Gaming Gloaming Wild 5e Survival Horror Kickstarter Running Ravenloft in a Single Session Halloween Game YouTube Video Blog Article on Running Ravenloft / Curse of Strahd in a Single Session: Set Up Castle Ravenloft in Owlbear Rodeo in 10 Minutes The Dials of Monster Difficulty Fate Condensed Thirteenth Age Shadow of the Demon Lord Blades in the Dark Numenera Discovery Types of Secrets Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Support Sly Flourish on Patreon Buy Sly Flourish Books:
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