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The Lazy RPG Podcast - D&D and RPG News and GM Prep from Sly Flourish

Lazy D&D Talk Show: Notable 3rd Party D&D Products of 2021, Final 2021 Patreon Questions

Mon, 03 Jan 2022


Notable 3rd party D&D products of 2021 and Patreon Questions! Contents 00:00 Show Intro 00:12 Mastering Dungeons for D&D News 01:14 Lazy DM Companion Art Previews 04:44 Notable 5e Third-Party Products in 2021 06:02 Arcadia by MCDM 08:54 The Book of Fiends by Robert Schwalb and Green Ronin 10:11 Complete Kobold's Guide to Monsters by Kobold Press 11:43 Iskandar by MT Black 12:32 Level Up Advanced 5e by EnWorld Publishing 14:08 Ptolus 5e by Monte Cook Games 16:12 Scarlet Citadel by Kobold Press 18:16 Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands by Raging Swan Press 19:22 Southlands by Kobold Press 20:19 Vault of Magic by Kobold Press 21:49 Where the Machines Wait by Monte Cook Games 24:56 Patreon Questions 25:22 Patreon Question: Epic and Meaningful Deaths 28:58 Patreon Question: Handling Petrification and Flight 30:40 Chamber of Secrets - Worst Harry Potter Movie 33:19 Patreon Question: Rolling Secret Rolls for Characters 35:29 Patreon Question: Organizing Digital Products 40:18 Patreon Question: Tying Hooks to Characters in Published Adventures 42:55 Patreon Question: Separating Treasure, Traps, and Locations in Prep 43:46 Patreon Question: Thoughts on 1st Level Adventures 45:37 Patreon Question: Revealing Pointcrawl Maps to Players 49:46 Patreon Question: Tying Characters to Linear Adventures 51:31 Patreon Question: Gaslighting Players and the False Hydra 55:05 Patreon Question: Tracking In-World Time 57:24 Patreon Question: Go-To Reskinnable Monsters 59:31 Patreon Question: Preparing GM Intrusions with Cypher System Links Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master Preoder the Lazy DM's Companion Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Support Sly Flourish on Patreon Mastering Dungeons Podcast Favorite 2021 3rd party D&D Products Tweet Thread Arcadia by MCDM The Book of Fiends by Robert Schwalb and Green Ronin Complete Kobold Guide to Monsters Iskandar by MT Black Level Up Advanced 5e Monstrous Menagerie by EnWorld Publishing Ptolus 5e by Monte Cook Games Scarlet Citadel by Kobold Press Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands by Raging Swan Press Southlands by Kobold Press Vault of Magic by Kobold Press Where the Machines Wait by Monte Cook Games Pointcrawls Mermaid graphs Organizing RPG Products Tweet Thread

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