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The Lazy RPG Podcast - D&D and RPG News and GM Prep from Sly Flourish

Lazy D&D Talk Show: Hasbro CEO, Limitless Heroics, Bible Adventure, Mage Forge, What Crooked Roots

Mon, 10 Jan 2022


Mike talks about all things D&D! Contents 00:00 Show Intro 01:24 WOTC CEO Chris Cocks Promoted to Hasbro CEO 10:03 Kickstarter Spotlight: Limitless Heroics 14:53 Kickstarter Spotlight: Adventurer's Guide to the Bible 18:47 Kickstarter Spotlight: Nerdarchy's Mage Forge 20:33 Kickstarter Preview Spotlight: Tome of Beasts 3 by Kobold Press 22:31 Product Spotlight: What Crooked Roots 28:04 4e Skill Challenges vs. Blades Progress Clocks 34:52 Patreon Questions 35:27 Patreon Question: Keeping High Levels Challenging 41:00 Patreon Question: Sly Flourish Books on Roll 20? 44:44 Patreon Question: When Do You Give Out the One-Page Campaign Guide? 46:19 Patreon Question: Pre- and Post-Game Rituals 48:34 Patreon Question: Running Complicated Political Intrigue 51:12 This Isn't Gospel. I'm Just Sharing My Experiences 52:05 Patreon Question: Good 5-Page Product Types? 56:11 Patreon Question: Running RPGs for Kids? 57:55 Patreon Question: Good Downward Beats from Hamlet's Hit Points 59:25 Patreon Question: Scaling D&D for Three Characters Links Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Support Sly Flourish on Patreon Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master Kickstarter: Limitless Heroics Kickstarter: Adventurer's Guide to the Bible Kickstarter: Mage Forge Kickstarter: Tome of Beasts 3 What Crooked Roots (affiliate link) Mike on Progress Clocks RPG Kids No Thank You Evil Honey Heist Hamlet's Hit Points

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