The Lazy RPG Podcast - D&D and RPG News and GM Prep from Sly Flourish
DM's Deep Dive: Paige Leitman at Winter Fantasy, February 2020
Thu, 10 Jun 2021
Recently recovered from the deepest depths of the ancient Sly Flourish libraries, I bring you my interview with Paige Leitman in which we discuss D&D Adventurer's League, our favorite conventions, and all sorts of fun topics. Video Contents 00:00 We love Winter Fantasy! What We've enjoyed. 03:07 Who's Paige Leitman? 06:07 Paige's there new tips for current DMs 07:15 Use an X Card (see the link below) 08:44 Cater to your audience and ask them what they want 09:01 Read your published adventures 11:00 What's changed in 2 years? AL moving towards story. 16:56 How are the changes being accepted? 19:20 What people think of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist 21:17 Other trends from the 5e Facebook: greater diversity and inclusion. 22:30 Interesting homebrew is popping up. 23:20 The impact of D&D Beyond 26:30 Navigating the curve between tactical and story 31:58 Play a different game X Card Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
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