Plus, an investigation into China’s panda factories. Tune in every weekday morning. To get our full audio journalism and storytelling experience, download the New York Times Audio app — available to Times news subscribers on iOS — and sign up for our weekly newsletter.Tell us what you think at: [email protected]. On Today’s Episode:Can the Stock Market Keep Going Up? Market Watchers Think So, by Joe RennisonKamala Harris Sets an Interview With a Not-So-Friendly Outlet: Fox News, by Michael M. GrynbaumCanada Expels Indian Diplomats, Accusing Them of Criminal Campaign, by Matina Stevis-GridneffSurvivors of Gaza Hospital Blaze Say They Are Living a ‘Recurring Nightmare,’ by Bilal Shbair and Erika SolomonLebanon’s Hospitals Buckle Amid Israel’s Offensive Against Hezbollah, by Euan WardThe Panda Factories, by Mara Hvistendahl and Joy Dong
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