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The Glenn Beck Program

What the Left Gets Wrong About Trump Supporters | 11/7/24

Thu, 07 Nov 2024


Glenn reads an op-ed from the New York Times that shows a fundamental misunderstanding about who voted for Trump. Leftists' vision for America is akin to Woodrow Wilson's, but the American spirit wants something entirely different. Glenn lays out all the reasons why so many people voted for Trump. Glenn makes a shocking admission: Democrats were right about something. Why have leftists abandoned their position on endless wars? Glenn speaks on the importance of liberty and free will. Glenn voted for a person's right to choose: to choose their own personal beliefs, because that's the spirit of America. Glenn takes calls from his audience to ask what explicitly they voted for when they voted for Trump. Will the Democrats listen to individual voters to understand why they voted the way they did, or will they continue to make excuses? Glenn's audience made it clear: They voted for justice, healing, truth, and fixing what is broken. The Democrats utterly misjudged the amount of minority support they had this election.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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