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The Glenn Beck Program

Supreme Court's Trump Decision Officially BROKE the Left | Guest: Jonathan Turley | 7/2/24

Tue, 02 Jul 2024


Glenn and Stu react to the Democrats and President Biden’s fearmongering over the SCOTUS presidential immunity decision. Pat Gray joins Glenn and Stu to discuss how the Left’s overreach and weaponization of the criminal justice system led to the SCOTUS decision they despise. Attorney Jonathan Turley joins to discuss the Left’s attempted systemic takedown of free speech. Jonathan also explains how Biden is the most anti-free-speech president since John Adams. Glenn and Jonathan Turley also discuss the recent SCOTUS decision and the Left’s overreaction to it. Glenn tells the story of Woodrow Wilson and how his wife, Edith, essentially took over the presidency. Is that currently happening with Biden and Jill? Glenn and Stu discuss the weird RFK Jr. controversy after a photo leaked of him about to eat a barbecued dog. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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