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The Glenn Beck Program

Is Biden Weaponizing Government to Provoke Civil Unrest? | Guests: Leon Wolf & Carol Roth | 6/20/24

Thu, 20 Jun 2024


Is President Biden's health being hidden from the American people? Glenn goes through the Federalist’s 15 signs that America has slipped into 1984, which are all terrifyingly applicable, including the persecution of political opponents. Blaze Media managing news editor Leon Wolf joins to discuss his discussion with Dr. Richard Ebright, who has been on a 20-year crusade to save the world from gain-of-function research and Dr. Fauci. Former investment banker Carol Roth joins Glenn to discuss Biden's crumbling economy and the gaslighting being done by the Biden administration. Glenn and Carol also discuss the potential death of the American dollar. Glenn previews the third episode of his new podcast, "The Beck Story," which focuses on Woodrow Wilson. Glenn gives the latest update on the Israel-Hamas conflict as global tensions are reaching a breaking point. Glenn warns of the civil unrest that may come from Biden’s weaponization of the federal government. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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