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The Glenn Beck Program

Ep 218 | Is the Global Cabal a Conspiracy Theory? | The Glenn Beck Podcast

Sat, 27 Apr 2024


Are we witnessing the controlled demolition of America? In this episode of "The Glenn Beck Podcast," award-winning journalist Alex Newman tells Glenn that the globalist types at the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations may be “nice to have a coffee with,” but the one-world government they are promoting won’t be the utopia they think it will be. This isn't the "Global Cabal" conspiracy theory that's all over the internet, but the reality is just as terrifying. Alex makes the case that the U.N. and Bill Gates are building “a giant digital gulag for humanity” to assert digital control from the top down using tools like CBDCs and digital IDs to not only monitor what you do but manipulate it. Sweden already has thousands of people “with microchips in their hands.” “I’m not saying this is the mark of the beast,” Glenn says. “But ...” From FISA and open borders to the war on food and the booby trap of Christian nationalism, Glenn and Alex agree that the solution to our problems is simple: The federal government needs to follow the Constitution, and Americans have to become “a moral and religious people” again.    Sponsors  Jase Medical  Get your personalized emergency medical kit today. Visit and enter code “BECK” at checkout for a discount on your order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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