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The Glenn Beck Program

Dennis Quaid: Playing Ronald Reagan Was the Scariest Role of My Life | Ep 225 | The Glenn Beck Podcast

Sat, 31 Aug 2024


When actor Dennis Quaid was approached to play Ronald Reagan in the new movie "Reagan," he almost didn’t take the role. "Fear went up my spine," he tells Glenn on a special episode of "The Glenn Beck Podcast." "He’s probably my biggest hero, in a way." As the two sit surrounded by beautiful mountains at Glenn’s ranch in Idaho, Quaid explains how a visit to Reagan’s own ranch property was what finally convinced him to accept the part. "I GOT Reagan there. You can feel him." Quaid reveals what made Reagan such a formidable — yet loved — president and whether or not America will ever see a similar leader again. They dive into Quaid’s past struggles with addiction, the dangers of fame, and how he eventually developed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that pulled him through it all. Plus, Quaid provides hope for our nation’s future, from the ability of RFK Jr. to bridge Democrat and Republican Party lines and signs the world is "turning right side up again" to his belief that mending America starts with one small step at a time: "I think it starts at home, in our relationships with our friend [and] local community." They discuss how COVID replicated a kind of "spiritual revolution," the spread of communism, and how Quaid learned piano from Jerry Lee Lewis himself — which Quaid then demonstrates in an impromptu performance. So is Quaid concerned for the nation’s future? Or is he steadfast — like Reagan — in his belief in the American people? He tells Glenn that he’s an optimist and that "people are yearning for a return to common sense and decency."   Special thank-you to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library for helping to provide footage of the 40th president.    Note: The new movie "Reagan" is a sponsor of "The Glenn Beck Program."   Sponsors:     Relief Factor    Relief Factor can help you live pain-free!    Visit or call 800-4-RELIEF to save on your first order.      PreBorn   By introducing an expecting mother to her unborn baby through a free ultrasound, PreBorn doubles the chances that she will choose life. One lifesaving ultrasound is just $28. To donate securely, dial #250 and say the keyword “Baby,” or visit     Byrna  Byrna is the best alternative to deadly force. Visit for a 10% discount.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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