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The Glenn Beck Program

A Boomer's Shocking Defense of Gen Z | Guest: John Daniel Davidson | 4/4/24

Thu, 04 Apr 2024


Glenn gives a Boomer's defense for Gen Zers who struggle with 9-5 jobs: Are they just whiny and entitled, or is there something else going on? Gen Zers are starting to wake up to all the lies that the government has told them. Inflation is so bad that you now need to make $75,000 a year to afford ... Olive Garden?! Glenn explains why he's FOR a universal basic income, but not the kind you may think. Are we becoming a pagan nation? "Pagan America" author John Daniel Davidson joins Glenn to explain how the post-Christian era of America has already begun and what this will mean moving forward. Did the famous film composer John Williams rip off other composers? Glenn and Stu review a story about the apparent abundance of "trans roles" in the media these days. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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