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The Deck

Valaine Briggs (Ace of Spades, Utah)

Wed, 4 Oct 2023


Our card this week is Valaine Briggs, the Ace of Spades from Utah. When 18-year-old Valaine left her Salt Lake City apartment and walked to class one spring morning in 1977, her carefully planned future was full of promise. And though she was in a time of transition and had recently ended an engagement, Valaine knew even this temporary disappointment just brought her closer to the life she dreamed of…a life full of family and rooted in faith…a life her ex-fiancé couldn’t give her. What Valaine didn’t know that morning…what she couldn’t have known…was that the postcard-perfect future she envisioned for herself would be stolen from her in the cruelest of ways. If you know anything about the murder of Valaine Briggs in Salt Lake City, Utah in May of 1977, please call Unified Police Detective Ben Pender at 385-468-9816. To learn more about The Deck, visit To apply for the Cold Case Playing Cards grant through Season of Justice, visit Let us deal you in… follow The Deck on social media.Instagram: @thedeckpodcast | @audiochuckTwitter: @thedeckpodcast_ | @audiochuckFacebook: /TheDeckPodcast | /audiochuckllc The Deck is hosted by Ashley Flowers. Instagram: @ashleyflowersTikTok: @ashleyflowerscrimejunkieTwitter: @Ash_FlowersFacebook: /AshleyFlowers.AF Follow The Deck on social media and join Ashley’s community by texting (317) 733-7485 to stay up to date on what's new!

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