Our card this week is James Foster III, the 4 of Clubs from Virginia. It was a normal, warm Virginia day in April 2021 for a group of friends mingling outside a convenience store when out of the blue they were shot up by someone driving by, and 18-year-old James was killed. Over the past two years, Richmond police have uncovered evidence they think points toward the killer — but they’re still waiting for the missing piece to prove it.If you know anything about the murder of James Foster III on April 29, 2021, please call Crime Stoppers at 804-780-1000. To learn more about The Deck, visit www.thedeckpodcast.com. To apply for the Cold Case Playing Cards grant through Season of Justice, visit www.seasonofjustice.orgLet us deal you in… follow The Deck on social media.Instagram: @thedeckpodcast | @audiochuckTwitter: @thedeckpodcast_ | @audiochuckFacebook: /TheDeckPodcast | /audiochuckllcThe Deck is hosted by Ashley Flowers. Instagram: @ashleyflowersTikTok: @ashleyflowerscrimejunkieTwitter: @Ash_FlowersFacebook: /AshleyFlowers.AFText Ashley at +1 (317) 733-7485 to talk all things true crime, get behind the scenes updates, and more!
No persons identified in this episode.