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The Deck

Irving Shuman (5 of Diamonds, Arizona)

Wed, 7 Sep 2022


Our card this week is Irving Shuman, the 5 of Diamonds from Arizona. When a Jewish activist and philanthropist didn’t show up for dinner, his friends and girlfriend didn’t know what to expect. In a matter of minutes, their lives would change forever. Strangled to death in his Phoenix real-estate practice’s office in September 2008, Irving Shuman’s family, co-workers and religious community were baffled. It’s been almost 15 years since Irving’s death, and investigators are still hoping for the tip that’ll break this case wide open. If you have any information about the September 2nd, 2008 murder of Irving Shuman, please call Silent Witness at 480-948-6377.  To learn more about The Deck, visit To apply for the Cold Case Playing Cards grant through Season of Justice, visit Let us deal you in… follow The Deck on social media.Instagram: @thedeckpodcast | @audiochuckTwitter: @thedeckpodcast_ | @audiochuckFacebook: /TheDeckPodcast | /audiochuckllcThe Deck is hosted by Ashley Flowers. Instagram: @ashleyflowersTikTok: @ashleyflowerscrimejunkieTwitter: @Ash_FlowersFacebook: /AshleyFlowers.AFText Ashley at +1 (317) 733-7485 to talk all things true crime, get behind the scenes updates, and more!

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