In this episode, I address the explosive new revelations about the efforts to punish the real whistleblower who outed the Jeffrey Epstein/ABC scandal while I also address the continued efforts to attack the fake “whistleblower” who is responsible for the false claims against the Trump administration. Finally, I debunk some 2020 election myths about gun control and the “shrinking” middle-class. News Picks:The “whistleblower’s” attorney has some explaining to do. I thought Vindman said he didn’t know the “whistleblower”? Another transcript is released from the fake impeachment proceedings. A key Sleazy Schiff impeachment witness admits he never even spoke to Trump about the Ukraine military aid. Support for impeachment is falling as the Ukraine “quid pro quo” hoax is exposed. John Solomon’s latest article address the complete failure of the FBI to vet sources in the Spygate case and others. Is it time to revisit those Bill Clinton rape allegations? No, the American middle-class is not disappearing. New Zealand’s gun confiscation law is looking like a complete disaster. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
No persons identified in this episode.