Summary: In this episode I address the epic failure of the NY Times to change the narrative in its latest propaganda piece. I also address the hysterical failure of the latest liberal boycott to take hold. Finally, I address the economic illiteracy of the latest crop of far-left candidates. News Picks: The latest liberal boycott has, hysterically, blown up in their faces. This business owner harassed Sarah Sanders. Now the town is paying the price. What is the DOJ hiding about Sally Yates? This socialist candidate for Florida governor doesn’t understand basic economics. Here’s what the proposed tax hikes by the socialist candidate for Florida governor would look like. This troubled Washington Post columnist plays the race-card — again. Why is CNN joining the online censorship mob? [email protected]/Dan.BonginoInstagram-@dbongino Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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