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The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Kamala Harris Picks Minn. Governor & Midwestern Dad Tim Walz as Running Mate | Ed Helms

Wed, 07 Aug 2024


Michael Kosta gets to know Tim Walz, the Minn. governor Kamala Harris chose as her running mate. While the Trump campaign claims the vice presidential candidate will “unleash hell on earth,”  Democrats love his political record and "Midwestern dad af" vibes. Plus, Josh Johnson weighs in on why Walz is the “right type of white guy” for this race. And, Jordan Klepper heads to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to ask Trump supporters how they're handling Biden dropping out, Harris jumping in, Vance and Walz as VP candidates, and having to retire the "F**k Joe Biden" chant. Then, actor, writer, producer, and former “Daily Show” correspondent Ed Helms sits down to discuss his podcast “SNAFU” about history’s most famous screw-ups. They talk about the FBI break-in that inspired the second season of "SNAFU", Betty Metzger, the Washington Post journalist who exposed the FBI’s excessive surveillance, visiting “The Daily Show” after 18 years, and how the recognition of the show impacted him and helped a fellow castmate get into the RNC.See for privacy information.

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