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The Daily Show: Ears Edition

Jordan Klepper on Trump's Bible Grift and the GOP Reaction to the Baltimore Bridge Collapse | Jim Sciutto

Wed, 27 Mar 2024


Jordan Klepper tackles Trump’s new branded Bibles and how right-wing media is rushing to blame the Baltimore bridge collapse on Democratic policy. Plus, Josh Johnson weighs in on Florida’s social media ban for children under 14, and what this means for the rising generation of schoolyard bullies. The Supreme Court’s latest abortion pill ruling exposes the Republican’s struggle to secure female voters while taking their rights away. Jordan Klepper dives into the GOP’s woman problem, and how they plan to win them back. Also, CNN anchor, chief national security analyst, and bestselling author, Jim Sciutto, joins Jordan Klepper to discuss his new book “The Return of Great Powers.” They discuss the importance of communication with Russia and China, the crisis of education on supporting NATO, and how we can learn from history to avoid a nuclear world war.See for privacy information.

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