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The Ben Shapiro Show

Oppression to Empowerment | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Sun, 12 May 2024


Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, Ayaan Hirsi Ali's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Raised in a devout Somali Muslim family, Ayaan received a strict Muslim education and fled a forced marriage. Armed only with intellectual curiosity and unwavering determination, she sought refuge in the Netherlands, where she was first exposed to the ideas of the West. It was here that she found her voice, her passion for women's rights, and her commitment to challenging the status quo. Ayaan has become a prominent voice for reform within Islam and has dedicated her life to advocating for the rights of women, minorities, and dissidents living under oppressive regimes. Tune in for a compelling dialogue with one of the world's most fearless voices. - - -  Today’s Sponsors: Birch Gold - Open an IRA in GOLD and get a FREE infokit. Text "BEN" to 989898. - Sign up for using promo code "SHAPIRO" for a special offer that includes a 4-week trial, plus free postage and a digital scale: Helix - Get 30% off your order + 2 dream pillows.

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