Darren Broemmer joins the Rogues to discuss how Ruby on Rails enables a microservices architecture and when it's appropriate to approach your system's architecture with microservices. Chuck and Dave lend their experience and expertise in pointing out some of the challenges with microservices and the power of Rails in enabling the Majestic Monolith. Tradeoffs are discussed and approaches are considered for when parts of an application may make a good candidate for a microservice. Panel Charles Max WoodDave Kimura Guest Darren Broemmer Sponsors Dev Influencers AcceleratorRaygun | Click here to get started on your free 14-day trial Links Twitter: Darren Broemmer ( @DarrenBroemmer )GitHub: Darren Broemmer ( dbroemme ) Picks Charles- ClickUp | One app to replace them allCharles- Dev Influencers | Devchat.tvDarren- Paas Platform as a Service | Pass Solution - EngineYardDarren- AppLandDave- Pactool Gecko GaugeDave- drifting COBOL Special Guest: Darren Broemmer. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacyBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/ruby-rogues--6102073/support.
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