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Ruby Rogues

RR 332: Exploring Connections Between Your Apps and the Web with Justin Weiss

Tue, 17 Oct 2017


Panel:Charles Max WoodEric BerrySpecial Guest: Justin WeissIn this episode, the Ruby Rouges speak with Justin Weiss. Justin is a software developer for, blogs at, and is also the book author of Practicing Rails: Learn Rails without being overwhelmed.Justin gives a preview of his presentation at Ruby Dev Summit , which is about exploring connections between your apps and the web. Ruby Rogues and Justin dive deep into questions about testing apps with an array of tools to see how that information is relevant in exploring connectivity and working parts of apps.In particular, we dive pretty deep on:Apps becoming of the web instead of running on the webBreaking into the connection between your apps or native client and your mode APIsMicro ServicesFinding the pain pointsWhere to start to begin open visibilityDeploy and looking at logs - Gems and Libraries.Tooling - API requests manually - Postman app , PAWAutomation or one-off toolsWhen something breaks, what kind of information is relevantFiguring out what part of the apps are working well and reproducing problemsError LogsSandi Metz PrincipleAuthentication and AuthorizationCharacterizingand much much more.Links: Aha.ioJustin WeissPracticing Rails: Learn Rails without being overwhelmedjustinweiss.comPostman appPAWAdvance Rest Client Charles proxy @JustinWeissPicks:EricPry - Rails, Remote, Stack Explore, Doc, NavCodeSponsor.ioJustinBooks - The 3 Book Problem ChuckRuby Dev SummitAngular [email protected] Guest: Justin Weiss. Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: a supporter of this podcast:

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