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#394: “Asian Kardashian” Flees Country After Murder, Then Offers Interpol A Private Jet To Arrest Her

Sun, 29 Sep 2024


Lucy Li is sitting in a small room with a blanket draping over her shoulders. A man sits in front of her and asks about how her flight was.“It’s not the best flight experience, I’m not used to sitting in tight spaces… And I feel really bad for the officers that had to come and get me because they had to make stopovers…”She puts her hand to her heart, “Me and mom was really concerned about that. And we offered Interpol to tell them we would fly them private.”Lucy has just gotten off an international flight from Eastern Europe after a murder (double murder attempt), fleeing to multiple countries, and being wanted by Interpol for months. She’s just a little unhappy that she wasn’t able to fly private to come home.Full Source Notes:

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