Rotten Mango
#386: New Nth Room: Middle Schoolers Deepfake Videos Of Mom, Sister, Classmates In "Humiliation Room"
Thu, 29 Aug 2024
South Korea is going through an erase all faces panic. Every single selfie is being wiped from the internet just in case. As a response - a male college student wrote on a forum - “Put a finger down and ask yourself Have I ever been asked out or confessed to? (Joke confessions do not count) Do a lot of men try to talk to me even though I don’t talk to them first? Have I ever looked into the mirror and resented my parents? Can other people recognize me without makeup? Do I weigh more than 145 pounds? Do I frequent feminist online forums? When I walk on the street, do children avoid me? If you answered yes to more than 3 of these questions - don’t worry. Your rate of being a victim of sexual deep fakes is very low. Men have standards too. We don’t just deepfake any woman.”This is the case of the “new Nth Rooms” where over 400 schools have been found to be operating illegal chatrooms where students are getting deepfaked into sexually explicit photos and videos. A whole network of deep fake trading and creating has been found. Most victims and perpetrators? Teenagers. Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com
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