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#375: Babysitter Returns Dead Baby Back To Mom - Then Can’t Stop Smiling During Interrogation

Sun, 14 Jul 2024


They are the only ones inside the laundromat and they need help. The two sisters are standing over baby Benson’s tiny body trying to do chest compressions. Everything was fine two seconds ago. He was asleep in the car and they brought him while they were running errands - why is he ice cold to the touch? None of this makes sense?When the police arrive at the scene. They agree. None of this makes sense. Because baby Benson was dead when the sisters pulled him out of his car seat to perform CPR.He was dead when they walked into the laundromat. In fact - he had been dead for a few hours. Which begs the questions - how long has he been dead, how did nobody notice, and who did this to him? Full Source Notes:

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