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#373: Burning Sun’s K-Pop Idols Released From Prison - Now Trying To Make Comeback & Open New Club

Sun, 7 Jul 2024


The police had a strange situation on their hands.A thief had broken into a multi-million dollar home - to steal a safe.The safe had 3 items in it.Jewelry.Investment documents.And the home owner’s old phones.The police were able to quickly determine that the thief did not want the jewelry or the investment documents in the safe. Which means - the thief is going after the home owner’s old phones.Why would a thief want some old phones? Was there something on there that they didn’t want anyone else to see?But most puzzling is - who would do this to Goo Hara?The home belonged to a k-pop idol who had just died just 49 days ago.What did they want from her safe?And how does this connect to the Burning Sun case?Full Source Notes:

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