There’s this fascinating little town called ‘Little Japan.’ It’s a gated community with cookie-cutter houses, though they boast beautiful chandeliers and heated floors, and all of them have a matching set of priceless portraits hanging on their walls.The residents are nine Japanese families, hence the name, and they have their own private chefs, maids, even chauffeurs in black Mercedes. A small movie theater, a massive sauna house, and a grocery store where they never have to pay. The catch? If they ever want to leave the community ‘gates,’ they must ask for permission from the Supreme Leader… The town itself is not even an hour outside of North Korea’s capital.The families themselves are neither Japanese nor North Korean royalty, nor are they diplomats or even government officials either.They’re a gang of hijackers. Hijackers who stole a plane and flew it into North Korea—and now the distinguished guests of the Kim regime were to become his secret weapon.Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com
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