Rotten Mango
#370: Toxic Pastor Humiliates Wife In Sermon, She Leaves Him, Then Found Mysteriously Dead In River
Thu, 27 Jun 2024
A church in South Carolina has gone viral recently--even making national headlines. A young pastor by the name of JP is caught on a recorded sermon saying:“One day I’m going to preach about getting rich, strong, healthy, and finding a hot wife that loves Jesus!” The congregation laughs awkwardly because on his left hand ring finger is a wedding band—he’s already married—but he won’t be for much longer. Just a few weeks later, Pastor JP’s wife—14 years younger than him—is found face down, submerged in a marsh, an entire state away. Just four days after that, the media reports that Pastor JP was drinking at a bar with a woman thought to be his mistress. This is the ongoing investigation into the tragic death of Mica Francis Miller. Mica Francis Miller’s Go Fund Me link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/justiceformicaOfficial Justice For Mica website link: https://justiceformica.com/homeFull Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com
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