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#360: Dad Moves Into Daughter’s College Dorm & Starts A Cult On Campus

Thu, 23 May 2024


“Hey, can my dad stay with us for a little while after he gets out of prison?” It was an odd request but Talia’s roommates felt like they couldn’t say no. Talia was a good friend, she always talked about wanting to become a lawyer and help people. She just had this tiny little quirk… She was obsessed with her dad. Even at parties - she would not stop talking about what an incredible man he was. He’s just going to stay in their dorms while he looks for a new place. What could possibly go wrong?When Larry Ray moves into Talia’s dorm - he slowly starts brainwashing all of Talia’s friends. Soon, he will be sleeping in Talia’s best friend’s room. Encouraging the students to all have intimate relations with each other… while he watches. This would be the start of his decade-long college cult. Full Source Notes:

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