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#347: “Lover boy” Gives LIVE TV Interview While Holding 15-Yr-Old Girl Hostage for 100 Hours

Thu, 28 Mar 2024


Teenage girls start rushing to the apartment building, jumping excitedly and shouting “Hey Lindemberg! Come to the window, I came here just to see you!” “We like bad boys!” - it’s like a concert for a boy group celebrity. But Lindemberg is a ticking time bomb. He’s hiding away from the window in the apartment. The hollers, catcalls, hearing his name - ugh he can’t focus! He needs to focus right now. He stretches his arm out the window and waves his hand around wildly as a pulls the trigger on his gun. Pop! Pop! Pop! He shoots straight into the crowd that had formed below him - the groupies and admirers scatter - but Lindemberg is still fuming. He can shoot into a crowd of admirers but he can’t shoot the girl he came to kill. The one he had taken hostage just hours before. The one he had groomed since she was 12 years old. The love of his life. He’s still deciding if he should spare her or shoot her. Maybe he should give the big crowd below him what they came for - a show. Full Source Notes:

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