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Pod Meets World

The Stalker Family Meets World

Mon, 12 Jun 2023


Danielle, Rider and Will have often talked about how the live studio audience was the uncredited, and sometimes most important, member of the Boy Meets World cast. Their laughs and applause could single handedly dictate the strength of an episode. And no members of that audience meant more than the Shere's, lovingly dubbed - "The Stalker Family." A staple in the bleachers, they not only attended almost every taping, they became part of the show's very fabric, both appearing in episodes and becoming close friends with the young stars. And somehow, 30 years later, we've tracked them down. Take a listen to this unlikely, and very emotional, reunion with "Stalker Boy" Adam and "Stalker Girl" Sarah, while we get a rare look into what it was to attend a live Boy Meets World taping as its most important viewer.See for privacy information.

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