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Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 309 “The Last Temptation of Cory”

Thu, 07 Sep 2023


Sure, it's early in the Cory / Topanga relationship, but the gang is already concerned with some immediate red flags.  Cory is insorceled by a classmate named Missy, now interested in forcefully kissing him against his will because he's taken by Topanga. So when he ends up at a faux party thrown to test his loyalty, he finds himself in deep trouble. But the big question: Did he do anything wrong? Will actually LIVED the story from this episode and tells the group how it all went down. Brittany Murphy returns for her last BMW appearance, Bill Daniels is at his best and Will continues to tell everyone he was unlovable as a preteen. All this and a RARE crossover with a DCOM classic “My Date with the President’s Daughter” on the new Pod Meets World...See for privacy information.

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