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Pod Meets World

Susan Estelle Jansen Meets World

Mon, 18 Sep 2023


Her name came up so many times on the show, she'd become the perennial "We gotta get her on the pod"  - and she is. Writer / producer Susan Estelle Jansen has arrived to talk about her many contributions and her experiences inside the BMW writers room. And as an integral part of the show's birth and production, we get her perspective and dig even deeper into the Rashomon that was Season 1 politics. Susan would go on to EP Lizzie McGuire (and write the movie), but first she'd be an early contributor to Home Improvement and the brains behind Topanga's famous haircut episode. Susan's credits speak for themselves, but we're happy she came on to do some of the talking too - for the newest episode of Pod Meets World.See for privacy information.

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