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Pod Meets World

Jason Weaver Meets World

Mon, 17 Jul 2023


When we recently recapped Summertime Switch, a movie Rider Strong co-started in during Boy Meets World’s Season 1 hiatus, tons of listeners had just one request: get Jason Weaver on the podcast. And so, we consider ourselves lucky to make your dreams come true.It’s a camp reunion as Jason remembers the ABC movie of the week and how Jason’s dance moves weren’t the hottest thing on set. Jason also talks Smart Guy, the advice Michael Jackson gave him to play the young King of Pop, how Elton John turned him into the Lion King and…Chingy. With a contagious smile and positive attitude, it’s no surprise Jason has never stopped working and that he’s now the perfect guest for Pod Meets World.This episode was recorded on June 27, 2023See for privacy information.

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