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Ologies with Alie Ward

Zymology (BEER) with Quinton Sturgeon

Tue, 27 Mar 2018


If you like booze, you'll love... fungus! Alie goes Rogue and takes a field trip to a brewery in Newport, OR where she smells vats of bubbling beer slop and learns about the microorganisms that are the workhorses of the brewing industry. Learn about yeasts, how beer is made, the hardest part about being a beer maker, the thick history of beer, some home brewing tips and also a nugget about bungholes. Let's get yeasty.Special thanks to Shannon Feltus and Boni Dutch for the hook-up and the road trip to the coast.More episode sources and linksSupport Ologies on Patreon for as little as a buck a has hats, shirts, pins, totes!Follow @Ologies on Twitter and InstagramFollow @AlieWard on Twitter and InstagramSound editing by Steven Ray MorrisMusic by Nick Thorburn

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