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Ologies with Alie Ward

Spesh Ep: Drawdown Design Project with C. Andrew Hall

Wed, 1 Sep 2021


Art meets science! Problems meet solutions! Climate change meets … hope? In this atypical episode, things get casual as hell as Alie sits down to talk about the Drawdown Design Project: an illustration non-profit started by filmmaker, Emmy-nominated television editor and longtime friend Andy Hall. When he’s not having to edit Alie on Innovation Nation, Andy is the founder and creative director of the Drawdown Design Project, which commissioned some of the world’s most sought-after artists to illustrate climate solutions outlined by What resulted was the just-released limited-edition 200 print run of ENGAGE, EMPOWER, CULTIVATE and ELECTRIFY. Andy walks me through the passion, the production and the process of raising money for rainforests while making something gorgeous and uplifting. Also: I used to serve snacks on film sets.Get one of the 200 limited-edition Drawdown Design Project printsFollow Drawdown Design Project on Instagram and maybe win a poster!More info on climate solutions at Drawdown.orgMore about the illustratorsENGAGE by Brian SteelyCULTIVATE by Tula LotayEMPOWER by Khary RandolphELECTRIFY by MalleusA donation went to Rainforest CoalitionMore episode sources & links Sponsors of OlogiesTranscripts & bleeped episodesBecome a patron of Ologies for as little as a buck a has hats, shirts, totes, masks… Follow @ologies on Twitter and InstagramFollow @alieward on Twitter and InstagramSound editing by Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media & Steven Ray MorrisTranscripts by Emily White of The WordaryWebsite by Kelly R. Dwyer

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