ANNOUNCEMENT: SMOLOGIES NOW HAS ITS OWN FEED! SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW EPISODES EVERY THURSDAY. Subscribe to Smologies:! Play! Fun! Addiction? Flim-flam? From the origins of tabletop classics to the future of VR, Dr. Jane McGonigal answers our burning questions. This video game developer, TED speaker and bestselling author is an expert on how playing -- and especially video games -- can motivate, soothe and connect us. Will video games turn your child into a future car thief? How do they make you stronger? How much is too much? What about slot machines? Everyone who loves games (and everyone who hates games) should hear this one.The uncut, adult version of Ludology plus research linksMore Smologies episodesDr. McGonigal’s website and TwitterDr. McGonigal’s new book “Imaginable” is due out March 22, 2022A donation went to AbleGamers Sponsors of OlogiesTranscripts & bleeped episodesBecome a patron of Ologies for as little as a buck a has hats, shirts, pins, totes!Follow @Ologies on Twitter and InstagramFollow @AlieWard on Twitter and InstagramEditing by Zeke Rodrigues Thomas & Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam MediaSmologies theme song by Harold MalcolmSpecial thanks to Susan Hale, Noel Dilworth, Kelly Dwyer and Emily White
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