ANNOUNCEMENT: SMOLOGIES NOW HAS ITS OWN FEED! SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW EPISODES EVERY THURSDAY. Subscribe to Smologies: cleaned up the full version and polished it into a safe-for-work digest of dinosaur facts and tales from a paleontologist with Dr. Michael Habib. Learn about the economics of a dino dig, his favorite beasts, cloning from amber samples, which museum dinos are real vs. fakes, Jurassic Park flimflam and more. (And for the full version with NSFW stories, the link is below.)New full-length episodes of Ologies drop Tuesdays, and new Smologies come out every other Thursday.More Smologies episodesFull, uncut, NSFW episode on PaleontologyFollow Dr. Michael Habib on Twitter and InstagramA donation went to nhm.orgSponsors of OlogiesTranscripts and bleeped episodesBecome a patron of Ologies for as little as a buck a has hats, shirts, pins, totes!Follow @Ologies on Twitter and InstagramFollow @AlieWard on Twitter and InstagramSound editing by Zeke Thomas Rodrigues & Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media and Steven Ray MorrisSmologies theme song by Harold Malcolm
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