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Ologies with Alie Ward

Alieology (YOUR HOST): an Ask-Me-Anything Goofy Hang

Wed, 27 Dec 2023


It’s like a whole episode of secrets. And your questions. And your podmom, Jarrett, hanging out in a guest room answering all kinds of inquiries. This week between the holidays I thought I’d take it easy and dip into the mail bag to explain my free-range childhood,  the goth days, podcasting tips, favorite bugs, hair dye, yellow sweaters, episodes that have never aired, how I find my guests, how many hours each episode takes, and who our dog loves the most. Cozy up and let’s become goofy together. A donation went to Dogs Without BordersSmologies (short, classroom-safe) episodesOther episodes you may enjoy: Field Trip: How to Change Your Life Via the Natural History Museum, LIFE ADVICE Encore: For anyone who is tired & needs some hacks, Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD), Scotohylolgy (DARK MATTER), Quasithanatology (NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES), Quantum Ontology (WHAT IS REAL?)More about Jarrett Sleeper of Mind Jam MediaSponsors of OlogiesTranscripts and bleeped episodesBecome a patron of Ologies for as little as a buck a has hats, shirts, hoodies, totes!Follow @Ologies on Twitter and InstagramFollow @AlieWard on Twitter and InstagramEditing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio ProductionsManaging Director: Susan HaleScheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth Transcripts by Emily White of The WordaryWebsite by Kelly R. DwyerTheme song by Nick Thorburn

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