Episode 220 of Mastering Dungeons! Main topic: Listener Question Mega-Show! What do we do when we have tons of listener questions? Shawn and Teos dedicate the main segment to answering some truly awesome questions. Find out why this was the most fun we’ve had in months! News: Moonbeam Launches Alpha, New Maps Features, D&D Immersive Quest, and more! Contents 00:00 Bad Movie Season 02:14 Maps Adds Monster Stats 10:18 D&D Immersive Quest 14:11 D&D Adventurer Magazine 15:53 Licensing and WotC 18:05 Mearls on Death Saves 39:02 Jail-Compliant RPGs 40:54 One Foot in Fairy Land 42:47 Moonbeam Launches Alpha 44:34 Listener Questions 45:29 Improv Anxiety? 49:39 Player vs Character Skill? 01:02:12 Find Playtesters? 01:07:36 Easy RPG Entry Point? 01:18:46 Tricks for Creativity? 01:25:14 Shout-Outs Thank you for listening! Get the full show notes with links on Patreon. Show Search Engine: https://mdsearch.alphastream.org/ Our intro and outro music is Metropolis Fanfare, provided royalty-free by Tabletop Audio (https://tabletopaudio.com) under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). MP3 file metadata populated with Online MP3 Podcast Chapter Editor, built by Dominik Peters. https://mp3chapters.github.io/ and customized for Mastering Dungeons by Vladimir Prenner from Croatia.
Full Episode
hello and welcome to this week's episode of mastering dungeons your favorite tabletop role-playing game news and reviews and and game design and all the stuff i am old man merwin here with less old man teos abadia hey teos welcome to the middle of december
yes i have succeeded at being on a ladder and putting up lights i felled a christmas tree uh right after a family member said that uh well i guess we'll wait for you to cut that tree and i was like watch this and i sawed through that thing with dad powered ire in just seconds it was great and uh yeah we held the christmas tree it snowed and we saw a rainbow all while getting a christmas tree if that isn't that's
That's pretty impressive. That's pretty impressive. Last year, I used the Snowblower maybe once. I don't even know if I used it once last year. This year, I used it three times in one day and probably eight times over the last two weeks because the lake effect snow here has been brutal, as it often is.
We usually just get the edge of it because the real snow belt is just to the north of us, but it creeped down and we got absolutely hammered by it. Now it's 45 degrees. Everything's melting. But I'm sure we've got another batch just waiting for us.
I hope all the bad holiday movies are making up for that.
Yes. Yes. Speaking of bad holiday movies. Yeah. No, not speaking about Hollywood. So what we are going to do this week is since we got a deluge of questions and comments from our listeners, we're going to do a main segment today of all the back listener questions and comments that we can.
So we are going to now just jump right directly into the news this week because there's a there's a fair bit to talk about. Yeah. And we're going to start right away with D&D Beyond adding some stuff, some functionality, if you will, to their Maps tabletop. And the things they've added.
The official D&D Virtual Tabletop, according to one of their recent advertising emails. That was awesome.
It is very strange that the maps team, maybe with blessing, maybe not, keeps talking about it as the official VTT of D&D, of Wizards of the Coast, of Dungeons and Dragons. And Taos and I are sitting there wondering, well, what is the 3D? virtual tabletop then? Is that the unofficial? Is it the secondary? Is it something else completely? We don't know.
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