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Mastering Dungeons

5E Stat Block Changes and Building the Perfect Campaign Guide! (MD 209)

Wed, 02 Oct 2024


Episode 209 of Mastering Dungeons!  Main topic: 5E Stat Block Changes and Building the Perfect Campaign Guide! We look at how 2024 5E changes stat block format, while also modifying monsters themselves. We then turn to creating the perfect campaign setting guide. News: 2024 5E Sales, Uni Finds Beyond, Grim Hollow Transformed, and more! Contents 00:00 Go Broncos! 00:56 Divine-Powered Goals? 19:35 2024 5E Sales 33:01 D&D on Vinyl 34:06 Uni on Beyond 36:40 Baldur's Gate 3 Minis 38:10 Horizons Magazine 41:15 Frontiers of Eberron's Creation 43:08 Grim Hollow Transformed 48:26 2024 Monster Stat Blocks 50:03 Design Goal 58:22 2024 Layout Changes 01:03:03 Changes to the Ape 01:10:34 Changes to the Imp 01:14:32 Other Creature Changes 01:20:45 Building the Perfect Campaign Guide 01:21:37 Constraints and Assumptions 01:22:40 Length 01:23:55 What to Include: The Pitch 01:26:25 Player Knowledge 01:27:29 The World 01:33:23 New Rules to Support Play 01:35:56 What Might Be Included? 01:39:15 Shout-Outs Thank you for listening! Get the full show notes with links on Patreon. Show Search Engine:  Our intro and outro music is Metropolis Fanfare, provided royalty-free by Tabletop Audio ( under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License ( MP3 file metadata populated with Online MP3 Podcast Chapter Editor, built by Dominik Peters. and customized for Mastering Dungeons by Vladimir Prenner from Croatia.

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Full Episode

11.09 - 25.013 Sean Merwin

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of Mastering Dungeons. I'm Sean Merwin here with the red and white supporting Santa Clara loving Teos Abadie. Hey Teos, how's it going?


25.033 - 40.051 Teos Abadie

Team two is in effect. Yes. Go Santa Clara. So what happens if Duke plays Santa Clara? Duke wins. Statistically speaking, historically speaking. So it's not too hard for me, but I cheer on both and either way I win. That's the way it works.


41.392 - 43.334 Sean Merwin

Santa Clara is a division one school, right?


43.614 - 54.765 Teos Abadie

Yeah. Yeah, it is. They don't have a football team, but they have a basketball team. Their women's soccer is really strong. Yeah, I've already got like their games mapped out and stuff so I can cheer them on. I'm hoping for greatness this year.


55.346 - 73.4 Sean Merwin

Awesome. Awesome. Well, speaking of greatness, we have some really great listeners out there who ask us some really great questions. And in fact, this week we had two really, really great questions that sort of overlapped. So we're going to do a bit of a deep dive into answering these two questions.

73.48 - 94.856 Sean Merwin

The first one is the short version from Paul Bigby via YouTube, who says, where is the subsystem in any WOTC D&D material that anchors the divine-powered character to the goals of the deity. And yes, I know a demon or cleric can make up some narrative answer, but that's table-specific and has no mechanical incentive or consistency.

95.577 - 103.363 Sean Merwin

Clerics and druids are, right now, just different flavors of wizards, and paladins are merely a multi-class fighter wizard.

104.73 - 128.213 Sean Merwin

second question yeah second question from michael draper via patreon this is sort of the longer version hi your discussion of gods and planes in the 2024 players handbook touched briefly on how clerics choose their god and how this determines the domains they can use for their spells the act of choosing the god for a cleric character doesn't just affect that character it also alters the setting of the game

129.116 - 153.151 Sean Merwin

Specifically, when the player chooses their cleric's god, they are making it canon that this god's power is active in that world. That's not a minor detail they're adding to the setting. That's defining the ongoing presence of a god in their game. How much of their game leans into that in play may vary, but that god's presence is there as long as that cleric is around.


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