Warning: you may shed a tear!Listen to Glenda who ticked many of the boxes of success in an organization but she needed more.What could that look like?Whats even on the "menu"?Listen to this inspiring story and how this is already impacting her family within a few short months!Ready to take the first step to fast-tracking your career? Get access to my free training here: https://training.leapacademy.com/registerIf you want help today creating a different tomorrow book a free career strategy call with us:https://www.ilanagolan.com/yt-schedule About Ilana Golan & Leap Academy:Website - https://www.leapacademy.com/Follow Ilana on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilanagolan/YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@ilanagolan-leap-academy
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