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Feeling Good Podcast | TEAM-CBT - The New Mood Therapy

062: Ask David — The Five Secrets of Effective Communication & Psychotherapy Homework

Mon, 13 Nov 2017


Will people manipulate you if they catch on to the fact that you're using the Five Secrets of Effective Communication? Is it fair to ask depressed patients to do psychotherapy homework between sessions when they're already struggling with a loss of motivation? In today’s podcast, David and Fabrice address two questions submitted by listeners: Robert asks whether it would be a problem if you are using the Five Secrets of Effective Communication (the Disarming Technique, Thought and Feeling Empathy, Inquiry, "I Feel" Statements, and Stroking) with someone who is already familiar with these techniques. Isn't there a danger that they might see through you and  therefore thwart your efforts and manipulate you? Avi asks about the importance of psychotherapy homework in TEAM-CBT. He points out that the loss of motivation is one of the central symptoms of depression, so aren't we in a catch 22 type of situation since patients might not have the strength and perseverance to do their homework? David and Fabrice love your questions so keep them coming!

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