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Farm4Profit Podcast

Top Advice for Farmers w/ Mike Burkhart

Mon, 9 Jan 2023


Nothing Can Stop You9/29/22 – Th – F4F – E188 (E216) - Chuck Weldon - Farm Progress Show            FFA magazine quote - You're the only one that can tell yourself that you can't, and you don't have to listen.            Ex: If someone tells me that I can't, that motivates me even more to prove that I can.  If you tell yourself that     you can't, you don't have to listen. 10/20/22  – Th – F4F – E191 (E222) - (no Busch Lite intro) Nick Hansen (newly engaged, wedding May 6,  2023) Farm Progress Show            Nick – If you’re passionate about doing something, just do it.  Don’t let any obstacles hold you back. 10/31/22 – Mon – F4P – E99 (E225) – Mitchell Hora – Contiuum Ag – Fresh on the Forbes 30 under 30 Farm Progress ShowGet the first check! Start small, try something new to get that first check.  Possibly try a new product, or new procedure, but make sure there’s a market.  After you get that first check, others come easier.In business and farming, figure out the first one, then rinse and repeat.  Hard Work Pays Off10/10/22 – Mon – F4P – E96 (E219) – More Profit Per head (cattle) Balance4Ward – Wade Saymo and Cameron EchmanWade – Good enough is never good enough if you’re capable of more.  Which means, you can get comfortable, lazy and complacent, or you can go out there and get better.  If you’re capable of more, it’s not good enough. 9/8/22 – Th – F4F – E185 (E210) – 5 Star Dairy Brothers – Jordan and Ryan Siemen from the thumb of Michigan            Ryan – You have to work hard to play hard. (Dad says)            Jordan – You don’t deserve success, you earn it.That’s with everything in live. If you want to do something, just do it.  Don’t worry about what other people think. 9/1/22 – Th – F4F – E184 (E208) – Andrea Severtson – That Fit Agvocate             You’re always able to adapt.  You’re never stuck in life. 8/29/22 – Mon – F4P – E90 (E207) – Fall Ag Technology Update – Cart Ace by Ag Leader, Bird Control Group, DGI-drones, Energy Logic-waste oil heaters            Brett Buehler (Ag Leader) – Opportunity – don’t pass one up.  Capitalize on it when it presents itself.  Be Strong of Mind & Body10/17/22 – Mon – F4P – E98 (E223) Luke James – Ag Leader – How to best use YOUR data for more profit            It may sound corny, but we all have two ears and one mouth.  We need to listen twice as much as we talk. 7/4/22 Mon - F4P – E82 (E191) - Vance Crowe - Legacy Interviews            THIRD ANNIVERSARY of the podcast.            If I had known how important it is to be flexible enough to get on and off the ground and in and out of the          tractor,I would have kept my body "going".  Preserve your body!  Build That Strong Team Around You11/7/22 – Mon – F4P – E100 (E227) Building a Better Brand, Matt Koch, Sukup Manufacturing Co. Chief Marketing            If you want to go FAST, you go alone.  If you want to go FAR, you go together.Equip others to help you succeed and achieve your goals.  Realize how great it would be if more people were equipped to do what’s already been successful.  Look at how you can get good things done as a team. 5/30/22 Mon – F4P – E77 (E181)– Red River Ag – Growing the Right Way – Aaron YaggieImportance of people that help you come to your success.  Believe and invest in other people. There’s a fit for everyone.  Everyone has talents. Clarity to recognize who to invest in.  Get great people involved, don’t try to do it alone. 7/21/22 Th - F4F - E178 (E196) – Stephanie Nash            Grandpa was very encouraging.  It’s good to have people pushing you.  You’re going to have people in your life that you lose that didn’t support you, and that’s ok.  Take along you’re biggest fans.  They’ll push you.  Have a strong family support system. 1/3/22 - F4F - E160 - Tony Feed and friends - invited back 3 of the top 10 guests -                        Tony Reed, Huey B Cool, and Justin Danger Nunley            Tony – The older I get, the smarter my dad was.I wouldn’t do that…and he was right.Listen to your dad. 9/26/22 – Mon – F4P – E94 (E215) - Equipment Market update with TractorZoom  - TJ Masker Farm Progress Show            WWIA - Molly Woodruff of Farmmee - linking ag industry as a "Barter" system            TJ Masker - Never underestimate the power of your team.  You raise the level of your knowledge with a network. Your network is so important. 12/27/21 - F4P - E66 - Most Common Traits of Successful Farmers - Robert & Emily Sharkey            2021 question - Emily - be the dumbest person in the room; surround yourself with people who inspire you and            push you to be better; no time for nay sayers or negativity; don't let people bring you down. 

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