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Farm4Profit Podcast

Stacking Enterprises: Monetizing Non-Ag Acres

Mon, 29 Jul 2024


Nic DeCastro – CEO Land TrustCan you tell us a bit about your background Agritourism Benefits:Let's start with the basics: What exactly is agritourism, why is it becoming a growing revenue stream for farmers?How does agritourism help farmers become less dependent on market conditions, politics, and weather?Monetizing Non-Ag Acres:Farms have non-agricultural land like woods or marginal land. How can this help farmers monetize these areas?Can you share some examples of successful agritourism activities that utilize these non-ag acres?Stacking Enterprises:Agritourism can also be a way to stack enterprises on the same agricultural land. How can farmers integrate agritourism with their existing farming operations?What are some creative ways farmers have used marginal crops to attract visitors and generate revenue?Full-Time Salary Potential:Does this have enough earning potential to support a full-time salary for another family member?What are some steps farmers can take to reach this level of success in agritourism?LandTrust Services:LandTrust provides a range of services like liability coverage, booking, and marketing. Can you explain how these services benefit farmers and simplify their involvement in agritourism?How does LandTrust ensure that landowners maintain complete control over their property while participating in agritourism activities?What are the key responsibilities of LandTrust in this partnership, and what can farmers expect from your team?Real-World Impact:Can you share some success stories of farmers who have partnered with LandTrust and seen significant benefits?What feedback have you received from farmers about the impact of agritourism on their overall business and community?Future of Agritourism:How do you see the future of agritourism evolving, especially in terms of technology and consumer interest?What advice would you give to farmers who are considering venturing into agritourism but are unsure where to start?Closing:Where can listeners learn more about LandTrust and how to get started with agritourism on their own farms?Don’t forget to like the podcast on all platforms and leave a review where ever you listen!Websitewww.Farm4Profit.comShareable episode linkhttps://intro-to-farm4profit.simplecast.comEmail [email protected] to YouTube us on TikTok with us on Facebook

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